Friday 24 October 2008

Trekkie Tantrums

(Oo-er, 3 posts in within a week)

I am going to be brutally, brutally honest here and divulge a terrible secret about myself.
Here goes... I am a Star Trek fan! *Cue dramatic music*

Yeah, I used to be really into Star Trek when I was around 6-10 years old. I've seen the films, watched (almost) all of the series, I owned a few video games, I even went as far as going to a convention. It was that big a part of my pre-teen life. I never experienced such a thrill with anything else like I did watching those half-hour inter-galactic dramas unfold.
Sadly, I never watched it past 1o years old. It somehow lost its appeal. Star Trek doesn't appear to have such a accepted niche in society as Star Wars has, people are not shunned for being Star Wars fans. That's sort of why I stopped liking it, because I realised that none of the cool kids watched Star Trek Voyager excitedly while drying their hair on Thursday nights. Also, I noticed that after the Voyager series finished, Star Trek got really crap. I mean, seriously crap. It's almost like the writers decided to start smoking crack and wrote all the other series in underwater tanks upside-down. I never even bothered with the last series. Star Trek fizzled into nothingness in my life, and out of society.

Anyway, the reason for this little outburst is the upcoming film set during the original series next summer being done by that bloke behind Lost and Cloverfield (JJ Abrams). I'm not sure if this is a reason to be excited, because I never watched Lost and the trailer for Cloverfield made me feel motion-sick, but a real reason for me to be excited is that Simon Pegg is playing Scotty and Zachary Quinto (AKA the gorgeous Sylar from Heroes) is playing Spock. This is sort of an attempt to resurrect the series, apparently.

Now then, guess what all the Trekkies are writing about the most? Could it be the updated look of the ship? How good the actors look? Nooo...
What the Trekkies are moaning about incesently is the fact that Kirk is wearing a black shirt.
Yep, that's about it. Nothing could apparently be worse than a change of colour to the aged fans of the original series. They should be glad that somebody cares enough to try and update Star Trek, not a simple colour change. It's practically a dead franchise; nothing has been made from it since the last movie, nobody really cares anymore, especially anyone from my age group. Hell, I don't care about it that much anymore.
This guy sums up everything for me in a nutshell (even though I resent the fact he compares it to Star Wars).
Basically, it's ridiculous that fans of a series that can be declared "dead" are complaining about something as small as a costume change. If that is all old fans can say about the new film, then they might as well not bother going to see it because a lot more has probably been changed besides the costumes due to the desperate need to update the original series.
The problem is that Star Trek fans, probably like a lot of science fiction fans, are retardedly picky. Apparently there is a whole sub-culture within the sub-culture of Trekkie-ness where fans base the rarity and value of merchandise by serial numbers. Talk about anally retentive... This is probably what is holding that community back. Maybe this will always be the case. Maybe it is beyond saving.

Whether or not this revamping of the series will work is beyond me. I'll probably go and see it by myself secretly when it comes out and then feel all dirty and geeky for the rest of the week. I almost think that Star Trek should be left alone; it seems to be one of those things that made living in the 80s and 90s bareable if there was nothing else on, but it has no place now.

Live long and prosper.

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