Friday 12 December 2008

Bah Humbug

It's December. Fa-la-la-la-la and all that nonesense.
I'm at home and I'm annoyed at being forced to be at home when I have nothing wrong with me other than a touch of flu that is rapidly disappearing.

Am I excited about Christmas in 13 days? Yes and no.

Yes, because of; the presents, the endless supply of alcohol, the Doctor Who Christmas Special, the day off from studying, the endless supply of alcohol, the prospect of watching my dog mauling his presents to near destruction, shopping in the UK and spending all my cash, the schoolChristmas Party, moving into my new room and did I mention the endless supply of alcohol?

No, because of: the terrible music that gets piped into everywhere, the movies on TV I have already seen, turkey in every meal for a week, 12 hours in a car to the UK, sales, summer ball gown shopping, pretending to have a good time with relatives, the prospect of recieving sex toys as gifts from my friends (har-har you guys), having to study for exams, possibly failing said exams, being asked about my social life and the general feeling of claustrophobia that comes with being cooped up in my grandparents house for 6 hours talking about their health problems.

Call me miserable, but for a holiday that has so much potential, so much goes wrong for me. It's not that I hate visiting the UK and seeing my relatives, but I've done it every year for the past 7 years and it really is starting to get a tad boring. I bloody hate Christmas music and all the cheese that comes with a heavily commercialised holiday such as Christmas- I really don't feel that it's needed. We all know it's Christmas and we're apparently supposed to be jolly and generous, we don't need that fact to be shoved in our face. Anyway, surely we're supposed to be generous towards the poor and needy, and not towards incredibly rich companies that really don't need any more money. Go and give money to Oxfam!

Don't even get me started on the music. Dear lord it's terrible. I don't mind carols, they're actually really nice to sing and listen to, but all this crappy pop music with cheesy lyrics makes me want to beat myself over the head with a spade. I can feel my blood-pressure rise every time I hear Do They Know It's Christmas. Again, this is all because record companies want to make the most money out of the public as possible, and they obviously think producing cheesy songs about Jesus and snow using the latest untalented girl/boy group is the best way to do it.

I'm making myself angry, so I'll stop there, I think. Basically, I think Christmas would be a much nicer holiday if it wasn't so commercialised and cheesy and in-your-face. Meanwhile, I'll be opening my presents, getting drunk and enjoying my ideal Christmas by avoiding all the festivities as much as possible.

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