Saturday, 12 February 2011


This week hasn't been such a good week for me. It started off ok, with stuff in the flat being sorted out and it generally being quieter after that, but the prospect of 2 exams next week has been hanging over me like the Sword of Damocles.

I think I've seen one person in the entire week, when I've not been out doing that whole University thing I do. I've just been shut up in my room, not talking to anyone in the flat (either because I'm not on speaking terms with the noisy folk anymore, or because the quiet folk have gone on a trip to Amsterdam) revising media law, which is without a doubt the most BORING subject on the planet.

Right now, I'm sat writing this and playing Dragon Age: Awakening just to avoid doing any studying later this evening. I tend to find that revising at night takes away from the otherwise crushing boredom I feel when stuck at the flat with nothing to do. I can't believe I actually paid for these exams myself, either. They're not compulsory, they're optional, so I figured I'd get them out of the way first. Of course it would have to be after I paid 88 pounds for both exams that I found out there is literally no way I'll be doing anything fun on Valentines day. Law exam in on V-day itself, and Reporting exam is the day after, leaving me no time in between to fulfill my duty as one half of a couple that is together on that most irritatingly soppy of days.

Yes, for the record, I am one of these despicable, nauseating people who has a boyfriend. I actually have something to do on Valentines day other than stuff myself with expensive chocolates while watching Love Actually and weepinge. Boyfriend is going to cook me dinner, which is a relatively special and rare thing because as we women all know, men don't really cook. Especially if they're poor students. This man can cook, however. Usually his talents stretch as far as tuna pasta and instant noodles (always with some sort of mix of herbs and spices that makes even these things taste wonderful), but he's going all out for V-day, apparently. Special pots and everything. The boy puts me to shame. 

When we'll do that, though, is beyond me. Possibly after my last exam on Tuesday, which would be a nice treat. Then, parents are coming over for a visit that weekend, and we'll all going out for an indian meal at one of the really swanky restaurants in Manchester- all 4 of us.
Guess that means I'll get a better week after the fail I've had this week. Could really do with something nice to look forward to. Right now, though, it's almost time to get stuck into privacy laws, the Human Rights Act and Ofcom Codes of Practice.

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