Monday, 7 February 2011

RE: Living in a Zoo

Something rather unexpected but wonderful happened not long ago in this flat.

Me and the two normal flat mates finally cracked and came together to discuss what was to be done. At first we decided on a flat meeting, but nobody was around at the time, so we resorted to messaging everyone privately in Facebook with our demands. This didn't go so well, as I ended up having a bit of an argument with Hannah about her music volume.

Her friend decided it would be best to have a chat about it all, which we did once with her before she went and picked up Hannah from work. This went from sensible and mature to a complete mess in about half an hour, with her constantly defending Hannah's actions. We then had the long, dreaded wait for herself to arrive, which was probably the most nerve wracking half an hour I've experienced recently. I was totally expecting Hannah to be abusive and unreasonable.

The result? We all sat down and discussed our problems openly like mature adults. Music is now to be turned down at midnight, people will pay for stuff they've broken and there is to be an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration for others at all times (which means asking if it's ok if they can have a party). Whether it'll stay that way is something different altogether, but I'm just happy there was no shouting about what we discussed.

I can go to bed happy. Mentally exhausted, but happy. Night night :)

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